
Showing posts from March, 2016

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher Conferences Thursday, March 10, 2016 Due to a previously scheduled conference, I will not be able to be present at Parent/Teacher Conferences this Thursday (3/10/16). If you have concerns, or if some develop after the P/T Conferences, please feel free to contact me to schedule a time to meet to address these concerns. You may call the office, or email me directly. This round of P/T Conferences will be student-led, and I am very excited for the students to show you what they have accompl ished this year. We are looking forward to seeing all who can attend. If you cannot attend on Thrusday, please call to schedule another time to meet with your child's teacher. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Ryan Moore

Family Night

CSI Family Night March 3, 2016 VERY IMPORTANT: CSI Family Night is this Thursday from 5-7 PM. There will be hot dogs, Book Fair, and prizes. It will be a fun and interactive night. Please come and join the fun. See you there! For more information, follow this link:…/8889841456339958130-family-night-2016…