
Showing posts from 2020

Using Gaming Systems to Connect to Google Classroom

Greetings Parents and Students,  If you have internet access and a Playstation 4 or Xbox, did you know you can use either to connect to Google Classroom? Mr. Schuba mentioned this in a post recently, and I've found some instructions online ("Thank you," Utica City School District in New York State for your directions.) The following link will tell you how to do this in a step-by-step fashion. The second link it so an article that also describes how to do this, but also includes how to find the Google Classroom app.  Using PS4 and Xbox (instructions): Article on using App, PS4, and Xbox: Hope this helps. -Mr. Moore

CSI Extended Learning Plan

The attached link is the Extended Learning Plan for Cherry Street Intermediate. This will give you a brief rundown of what to expect over the rest of the school year. Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you, and please stay safe.  Extended Learning Plan:

CSI Counselor Hours

Due to school being closed, Mrs. Kik, the CSI Counselor wanted to open up “Virtual Office Hours” to Cherry Street students starting Wednesday, April 1st, to offer up another person to talk to during these difficult and uncertain times. Mrs. Kik will be available to talk with students who have any needs or concerns. To contact her, you will need to send her an email (Mrs. Kik: ; she will send you a “Google Meeting” code to either call into with your phone, or to login with an internet capable device. The days and times she will have her “Virtual Office Hours” will be Wednesday, April 1st, and Friday, April 3rd from 11am-4pm. Mrs. Kik wishes you all the best!


Greetings, Parents! This is a follow up to our Facebook post from last night.  The staff is pulling together worksheets and providing links for students to practice the skills they have been working on recently in their classes. It is important that students complete this work, so when they return to school on April 6, we can resume class as normal as possible. We will also provide links to educational sites that students can use to further fine-tune their skills.  We will have packets available for students who are absent today for pick up after school. The office will be open until 3:30. As we receive more information, we will share out to the community as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.  - Mr. Moore

Warmer Weather = Kids Still Need Their Coats

Greetings Parents, this is a quick reminder to please make sure your child has their coat when they leave for school. With the warmer weather, we have had an uptick in the number of students who are not bringing a coat to school. Even though it is warmer, it is still too cold for them to not have a coat at school. If you can help us out with this, we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for your help. 

5th Grade Cookie Orders

Parents:  The 5th grade cookie orders are in today. If your child sold cookies, please come up and get them. You can pick them up anytime this afternoon before 4:00. Thank you.

Practice Lockdown

CSI had a practice lockdown yesterday (2/19/2020) at 2:00. Local law enforcement and first-responders attended and helped us run the lockdown. I'd like to thank, and commend, the staff and students for their excellent response time to the drill. They did a great job of following our procedures. Thank you for being awesome! Mr. Moore

Spirit Week February 10-14!!!

Next week will be Spirit Week! Below is a list of the days and the themes that we will have at Cherry Street. Join us in the fun!!! Monday, Feb 10: Swinter: (dress as summer and winter together) Tuesday, Feb 11: Sports Team or Team Colors Day Wednesday, Feb 12: Backwards Day Thursday, Feb 13: Blue and White Day Friday, Feb. 14: Red, White, or Pink Day

Next Week (Jan 20-Jan 24)

Just a friendly reminder that next week will be a slightly different schedule: Monday, January 20: No School for Students. Staff have professional development (sorry staff, you still have to work).  Tuesday, January 21 & Wednesday, January 22:  Normal school days for all! Thursday, January 23:  1/2 day for students; Full day for staff. School dismisses at 11:10. Friday, January 24:  1/2 day for students; Full day for staff. School dismisses at 11:10.

4th and 5th Grade Boys Basketball

There has been some questions regarding boys basketball at the 4th and 5th grade level. Here is the information we have at this time: Practice will begin on January 14, 2020.  Practice runs from 5:30-7:00 at the Cherry Street Gym. Practice will be every Tuesday and Thursday starting on the 14th.  Cost: $30 per player. This includes: Game Jersey Shoot-around Shirt If you have any questions, you can email Coach Cory Heier at Sign up sheets will be in the CSI office, or you can print one from the following links: 4th Grade: 5th Grade: