It is a New School Year!

Welcome to a New School Year!

The first week of school has been completed, and the year is off and running! We are very excited to work with this year's group of students. To help with the flow of the day, we wanted to share some information with the parents and community.

  • Important Times: 
    • First bell rings at 7:45 a.m. 
    • The final (tardy) bell rings at 7:50 a.m. -- students need to be in their class at this time. 
    • The dismissal bell rings at 2:50 p.m. (11:10 on half-days).
  • A.M. Drop Off: If you are dropping your child off in the morning, please drop him/her off at the front of the building (on Cherry St.). Students who are dropped off and would like breakfast can enter the cafeteria via the playground. If students need to cross the road, please use the crosswalk/crossing guard.
    • Parents, please do not drop students off on the backside of the school (at Central Office) as this is where the buses will unload in the morning.
  • P.M. Pick Up: If you are picking up your child after school is let out, you may park along Cherry Street on either side. Please do not park in the staff parking lot as we will bring students out this way to load the buses. 

Our Social Media

Below is a copy of a handout that was sent home with students today. It details the different types of social media that Cherry Street uses to communicate with our community. Let us know if you have any questions.

Welcome to Cherry Street!

At Cherry Street, we work hard to bring the latest information to our community. We have made a shift last year to using more of a social media format for delivering our news. LIsted below are the different formats that we use to send out information:

Social Media
Web Address
Cherry Street Facebook Page
Our Facebook page is used to highlight student success, and provide news to the community.
Cherry Street Twitter
Used for short announcements, or pictures of CSI events. We also use this for virtual field trips; having staff post pictures of trips via hashtags. Twitter posts also appear on our Facebook page.
Cherry Street Blog
This has taken the place of our newsletter. Here, you will find information, pictures, Twitter feed, and building calendar feed. We also have a links to our teacher websites. If you would like a hardcopy of the blog, just stop by and ask at the office.
*If you follow all three, you will notice some repetition between the different formats.


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