M-STEP Testing Begins Soon!

M-STEP testing will begin next week, starting Monday (4/11) and running through the week of April 25, for the 5th grade students. 5th grade students will take tests in Math, English Language Arts, and Social Studies. These tests are a combination of knowledge/content assessment and performance task assessments. We will be using the computer lab and a second lab we created in the art room to test all of the students. Please help us by making sure the kids have plenty of rest, and breakfast before school. (We do have free breakfast for students in the morning.) Thank you for your support. 

If you would like to see what the test looks like, or would like to work on sample problems with your child, you can go to: 

  • Click on the practice/sample questions link, then select the grade and subject. It will take you to a login page, but it provides you with the username and password.

If you have a 4th grade student: 4th grade M-STEP testing begins the week of May 9, and runs through the week of May 23. 4th Grade will be assessed on Math, English Language Arts, and Science. 


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